Sunday 6 September 2009

I've gotta feeling.......

Don't worry this isn't a photo of my secret identity finally unfolding :p. Just some of the competition when I was FORCED to enter a pole dancing competition - I shit you not. So me and five of my friends went out for some pizza and a drink afterwards. It was only supposed to be a little sociable drink but Liz got rejected from our usual pub as she only has an identity card. The music was shitty in the next pub so we (and by that I mean me after a few glasses of wine hahahaha) thought it would be a good idea to go to a club close by for a bit of a dance. They were hosting a pole dancing competition later on and the guy running it was trying to influence us to join in. Jo got out of it by cheekily saying it was her day off and he left us alone for the time being. All seemed well........

It started getting super packed as everybody waited to see the competition. The dancing wasn't anything amazing; just normal dancing a bit more dirty, with the prop of a pole now and again. I don't know if I've ever mentioned in my blogging Liz's elaborate OTT sexual dancing which has been many a cringe for us, but this was the perfect competition for her. She decided she'd have a practice run in the break to see if she fancied entering but wanted our moral support so we got up just dancing normally (firmly in the sidelines). Anyway Liz made up some shitty excuse about the pole being sweaty but really I think she just lost her balls :p. The competition was starting again so we went off stage to let room for the entrants. All of a sudden, half way off the stage the host off before grabbed my hand and would not let go. Everyone in the whole club had crowded round this stage by this time and were all cheering me on. Oh shit. I looked for an escape root, but my bag was in the middle of the massive crowd so I'd have to walk straight into all the jeering and boos before I could get the fuck out.

Before I knew it, it was too late. Too late to run, too late to pretend I was too pissed from alcohol etc. I had two options, RUN BITCH RUN.... Or give it the best shot I had and hoped that noone would remember the next day. I got the worst song ever (I've got a feeling by Black Eyed Peas, how can you dance sexily to that shit?) but I thought "everyone will remember me if I make a big deal of not doing it but noone will remember otherwise". So I went for it full on. I felt awkward a little but tried my best to hide it.. And won! I made it to the finals but nothing would ever possess me to do that again. Everyone cheered me on and were saying how great I looked etc which chilled me alot as I can totally tell when they're lying about this shit and that was my biggest worry. I think they were shocked I actually did it but at the same time were impressed I had the balls. Lots of other girls give it a go and were quite good but I think the host had a little something for me haha. In a way I'm glad I entered as that has to rank as one of my most embarrassing moments so I'm hoping other things will slide into minuscule proportion!


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