Thursday 29 October 2009

"The truth about Blair and Elle"

So if any of you guys are into watching makeup 'gurus' on youtube you might have came across Blair (juicystar07) and Elle (allthatglitters21). Basically there's been a lot of fuss kicked up because they've swore that they use their real names and don't get paid to make videos. There's tons of evidence that they lie (for example, Blairs' myspace user name was Elizabeth_789, and in a newspaper article published both of their real names were used), yet they're still denying it.

I'm all for protecting your name and think it's quite cute they chose names based on their fave tv shows and films (Blair -gossip girl, Elle - Legally blonde). BUT to be fair if you only say your first name the chances are unless it's ridiculously obscure it would be near impossible to find the right 'Elizabeth' or 'Lisa' you were looking for, so I don't really see the point. It's only really a problem if you mention your last name too. What annoyed me is saying they don't get paid for videos when they're both partners on youtube so yes they'll def be getting paid. Also, they suspiciously seem to give amazing reviews for products which all the gurus seem to "buy" at the same time in every colour and shape. Obviously these are getting sent to be reviewed so whats the point in lying? You may as well review them but be honest about it too so people can make up their own minds. I still really like them though but sometimes I don't know whether I trust their opinions on products because you don't know whether they're just saying it to keep the freebies.

What do you guys think?
Love <3

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