Tuesday 3 March 2009

A broken heart...

I received a call at 10pm whilst lying in bed with my boyfriend the other night. The only people who ever ring is family so I expected it was my Mam asking me a question about the internet, or wondering where I was. It was Jo, so I knew something was wrong as all of my friends are allergic to speaking on the phone (texts are a life saver haha). There was a silence and then a massive sob, "Stephens cheated on me!"

To be honest, I always got a bad vibe off him, he's always seemed a bit weird. You know when you just get a bad feeling? Early into the relationship they split up so he started saying that he was only using her for sex and she meant nothing. She ended up crying hysterically in college only to be going back out with him a week later. He used to be an alcoholic and drug addict, so he's supposed to stay away from all that shit, but he never does. It's hard for people to keep to moderation in those situations anyway so they usually say not to touch it, not that it's ever stopped him. Anyway, this time he cheated on her and didn't have the balls to even tell her - she had to find out from a mutual friend. She's gutted as you would be after dating eachother for a year. I don't know what to do or say though, other than comforting and cliqued stuff. I feel like I should help her feel better in some way, but I know it'll just take time...

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