Hello everybody :).
Sorry that I haven't been online for a while updating, I feel a bit neglectful! But in between my recent working and playing hard I've failed in my attempt to win in the war of the computers with my family. How anyone can spend nine and a half hours on ebay and facebook is beyond me.
My studies have been ok (may as well start with the boring). My English teacher made me do a written timed assignment and I got the best mark in the class, surprisingly as I left 20mins early to go to the dentist. Ok, ok, it was to meet a friend at the train station but I dont think that would have gelled as easily. He said I had "natural talent" and was an "obvious 'A' candidate". I'm not going to lie; it made me feel all fuzzy and happy inside. Probably to the sickening noticeability of everybody else, but hey it rarely happens so I got a little secretly excited!
To equal this out however the rest of my day was very depressing. First of all, someone stood on a pidgeon which had no legs in the Town Centre. Some people think that they're just vermin, but I'm a softie for animals so it was very depressing. It had "please take me home, I'll try not to poo on your bed" eyes. I know my cat would be like NOM in 3 seconds - and it probably had STDs or something. But still. I tried to pick it up to the disgust of everyone else and it tried to bite me. The love was there somewhere though I'm sure.
To brighten the mood we went to the Baltic art gallery which had the most amazing Pop Art theme last time I went. I loved it, so I went along with my friend and of course the subject this time was 'Violence to women'. So this featured:
1) A screening of 'Rape'
2) Loads of videos featuring a womans' body part such as her feet etc. with flies over so it looked like she was dead. This included a zoom in on her "woman areas" for a BIG amount of time. I giggled just to break the silence and was escorted out.
3) A maze where I walked into the glass walls
seven times.
4) A jelly woman cut into boxes.
It was horrible to be honest, I guess it presented something which should be highlighted in society, especially as 50% of people actually think it's ok to hit a woman. What is wrong with you people? Nobody should be hitting anyone, but er, ok.
Finally to top of the fun of the day my friend, Kemi, got a phone call from her other friend saying her friends Mum had just died. She'd had a tumour on the brain for years, but obviously she must have been devastated. I trailed back so depressed I ate an entire block of cheese.
Yesterday was alot better; I went drinking with my boyfriend, Steven, his friend Sean and his girlfriend Natalie. The thing I don't get about them is that if you look at them they look so in love. They're really affectionate all the time; he helps her out the car, he buys her drinks and whispers things in her ear. But all the time he's cheating on her with the occasional prositute and she's none the wiser. It's so strange to see how things can be perceived and the reality behind it. Apparently it's ok to cheat if you dont get sex in your own relationship rather than just work out the problems first. But hey ho. I guess you can never take for granted that just because someones in a relationship they're off the market. It was a nice drink but we had to leave early as we got I'D and Natalie had forgot to bring hers. You might be wondering, don't you feel like telling her? I would make Steven lose all his friends if I did as he wasn't supposed to tell me, and to be honest I don't want to get trapped in all the drama. I don't know, I think if anyone should tell her it should be him anyway, and me and Natalie aren't exactly close so I'm not even sure she would believe me.
Hope you are all doing well :), I'll update soon x x x