Sometimes the best fun really is for free...
Today I went to the beach with my sister and dog Molly. The waves were really strong and high so we started to plod, then we got a little deeper - and all of a sudden a massive crashed straight over my head! I totally lost my footing, fell forwards and floated back to the shore again. It was hilarious to everyone watching seeing my feeble attempts to get back up. I lost all respect I might have looked like I had, my sister actually literally wet herself and had to find a cliff to edge by. The rough charves were not amused at all, but it was great. I think they at least got some satisfaction that I cut all down my legs and bruised them haha.
Molly was being ambitious with the waves thinking she could swim out to the sea to catch the birds floating. It was futile but soooo cute bless her. I never really go out to the beach or for a walk if I can help it, but I always love it when I do. So if you're reading this, get your old trainers on, grab a family member and go find some fun!
(Here's a photo that I nicked off a website, but its the exact beach we went to. My favourite are always the beaches which are rocky rather than the white sandy ones because they bring back so many lovely memories...) 

Wow! I wish my country had beaches like that!